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Holographic Human-Computer Interface 

Passive Tracking

In one approach, the Motion Detector (MD) of the H2CI would initially scan a two-dimensional plane between the user and the display region.  As the command object passed through the plane, the MD would scan a spherical region between the current location of the command object and the nearest displayed image (Technology).  As the command object approached a displayed object, the spherical region would shrink, while the scanning precision would increase to permit more precise tracking.  The reduction in the region scanned would also be an offset for the increased processing required by the greater scanning precision. 


Motion detection allows the user to interact directly with the holograms, in addtion to any automated interacitions among the holograms (see EMR Interactions page)



Passive tracking supports the user's natural interaction with the 3D images displayed by the Holographic Display Component (HDC) of the H2CI (e.g., Fig. 3), such as pushing, rotating, or highlighting.

Objects would be displayed in midair at a comfortable distance and level selected by the user.  The user would move objects by pushing them, or rotate objects directly with finger motions rather than handles and screen touches or mouse movements.  Selected objects, e.g., shown by the surrounding glow as in the picture below, would also have menus associated with them (e.g., Fig. 3) to allow the user to tap an object twice (or other selected motion in the displayed menu) to choose an option, such as color or to view the inside of the object.



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